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VvE Awards

The Society for Epidemiology awards five prizes each year during the WEON:

VvE Achievement Award

Since 2014 the VvE has presented the VvE Achievement Award to an (international) scientist who plays or has played an important role within epidemiology. The VvE Achievement Award is presented by the chairman of the VvE during the WEON, on the recommendation of the organizational committee of the WEON.

VvE Publication Award Junior Researcher

The VvE Publication Prize is intended for the best epidemiological publication by a junior researcher.

The submission deadline is the first Monday in February of the current year.

The prize consists of a certificate and a cash cheque worth 750 euros.

VvE Student Award

The VvE Student Award is meant for Bachelor or Master students who did an internship or an optional course in epidemiology.

The deadline for applying for the student prize and submitting the application form is the same as the deadline for submitting the WEON abstracts.

The prize consists of a certificate and a cash cheque worth 250 euros.

VvE Oral Presentation Award

All researchers are eligible for the VvE Oral Presentation Award (with the exception of keynote speakers and students nominated for the VvE Student Award).

The submission deadline is the same as the deadline for the submission of the WEON abstract.

The prize consists of a certificate and a cash cheque worth 250 euros.

VvE Poster Award

De VvE Posterprijs wordt uitgereikt aan de kandidaat die een goede poster heeft gepresenteerd tijdens 1 van de postersessies.

Bij het indienen van een abstract, kunnen deelnemers aangeven of zij wel of niet voor de VvE Posterprijs in aanmerking willen komen.

De prijs bestaat uit een oorkonde en een geldcheque ter waarde van 100 euro.

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