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Registration epidemiologist

Since 1993 the possibility exists to become registered as Epidemiologist A and Epidemiologist B (Scientific Researcher Epidemiologist) through the VvE. The objective of the registration is to register scientifically educated and practically trained epidemiologists who are able to function in epidemiological research and education, in advice or in policy preparation concerning (public) health problems.

Epidemiologist A, MSc level

  • Prior education with sufficient content regarding illness and health
  • Training in epidemiological methods (60 EC)
After approval of an application for registration as an Epidemiologist A, the committee will recommend the candidate to the Board of the VvE for inclusion in its register. The candidate will receive a certificate as proof of registration.

Epidemiologist B, PhD level

  • Prior education regarding illness and health
  • Training in epidemiological methods (60 EC)
  • Academic promotion
  • Epidemiological publications
  • Epidemiological guidance
  • Epidemiological portfolio
After approval of an application for registration as an Epidemiologist A, the committee will recommend the candidate to the Board of the VvE for inclusion in its register. The candidate will receive a certificate as proof of registration.


Registration takes place via the VvE. The Supervisory and Assessment Committee for Epidemiology (CTB) meets four times a year and assesses whether a registration application meets the registration requirements.
26 januari 2024
CTB meeting takes place on: 11 march 2024
10 may 2024
CTB meeting takes place on: 24 june 2024
16 august 2024
CTB meeting takes place on: 30 september 2024
1 november 2024
CTB meeting takes place on: 16 december 2024

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