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Once every 5 years the VvE draws up a policy plan in which it describes its goals for those years. On the basis of the policy plan, a work plan is drawn up each year. The policy plan focuses on the three core activities of the VvE. A spearhead group has been set up for each key action. In this way the expertise of the VvE (board) members is optimally used. In addition, the VvE organises several activities each year, such as the VvE Symposium Day, VvE Webinars and Meetings, pre-conferences prior to the WEON and the VvE Prizes.

Javelin group core activities

The Research spearhead group
Focuses on promoting the proper execution of research.
Core activities are:
  • Creating an accessible range of advanced methodological topics
  • Promoting implementation of developed methodology in practice
  • Putting the importance of epidemiology/methodology on the map with grant makers
The Education spearhead group
Focuses on promoting the quality of epidemiological education.
Core activities are:
  • Creating an overview of the post-graduate and advanced training courses within epidemiology
  • Broad orientation of the new ‘core competencies’ in epidemiology and discussing these with stakeholders
  • Consultation with the Review Committee and the Epidemiology Assessment Committee
The spearhead group Connecting
Vocuses on connecting the epidemiological community.
Core activities are:
  • Development and facilitation of communication flows within the internal organisation
  • Communicating the added value of VvE membership to current VvE members and non-members
  • Fulfilling a network function among epidemiologists

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