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Application Epidemiologist B


First read the Registration requirements thoroughly!

Based on the registration requirements, fill in the training program as completely as possible on the following form: Training program B

Check whether your training is recognised and fill it in correctly.

For section ‘B4 Portfolio’, please view the guidelines for drawing up a portfolio.

Note: The form must be completed in full (digitally), without references or links.

Please contact one of the Recognised Epidemiology Educators and discuss your program with him/her. Adjust the program if necessary. If the recognised educator agrees to your program, he/she must complete and sign the agreement statement.

Gather all necessary appendices (diplomas, lists of grades, certificates, digital version of the end product, diploma of PhD, publications, evidence portfolio, and possibly some appendices of the work experience in a biomedical context and courses in a non-recognised program)

Submit request

Check if your application is complete. If this is not the case, the CTB will request the missing appendices from you. This will delay your application.

Are you submitting a proposed application? Please add the attachments, which are already in your possession.

A complete application consists of:

Document ‘Training program B’ (1 pdf file)
  • Application form completed and signed by you
  • Fully completed training program
  • Approval statement signed by the recognised Epidemiology educator
Documents ‘Appendices’
(keep the numbering below, this corresponds with the parts of the training program)
  • Appendix A1 (part A1 pre-training: copy of diploma and lists of grades)*
  • Appendix A1.2 (part A1 pre-training: description of work experience in a biomedical context if a pre-training cannot met with sufficient basic medical knowledge* or at least 8EC education on disease and health)
  • Appendix A2.1: (part A2.1 basic knowledge: description of course(s) for a non-recognised program)
  • Appendix A2.2 (part A2.2 practical experience: digital version of end product)
  • Appendix A2.3 (part A2.3 advanced knowledge: description of course(s) for a non-recognised program)
  • Appendix A2.4 (part A2.4 elective component: description of course(s) for a non-recognised program / digital version of the end product or essay)
  • Appendix B1 (part B1 academic doctorate: diploma PhD and if PhD completed not at a medical faculty, provide a substantiation for the other faculty)
  • Appendix B2 (part B2 publications: pdf files of the 4 or 5 publications you mention in the training program)
  • Appendix B3 (part B3 epidemiological supervision: CV of epidemiological supervisor if he/she does not have an epidemiologist B registration)
  • Appendix B4 (part B4 portfolio: evidence portfolio)

* In the attached list you will find pre-training programs that have been approved by the CTB with regard to sufficient basic medical knowledge. This list is not yet complete and will be supplemented in the near future.

You can submit your application via or other download service (use the mail address: If it is not possible to submit a request in this way, please contact the VvE secretariat.

After submitting

You will receive a confirmation of receipt from the secretariat within 5 working days, stating when your request will be dealt with. You will also receive information on how to pay the registration fee. The registration fee must be received by the VvE prior to the relevant CTB meeting.

If you do not receive the confirmation of receipt, please contact the secretariat.

Your registration application will be reviewed by the CTB at the CTB meeting. You will receive an email from the committee within five weeks of this meeting.


Registration takes place via the VvE. The Supervisory and Assessment Committee for Epidemiology (CTB) meets four times a year and assesses whether a registration application meets the registration requirements.
26 januari 2024
CTB meeting takes place on: 11 march 2024
10 may 2024
CTB meeting takes place on: 24 june 2024
16 august 2024
CTB meeting takes place on: 30 september 2024
1 november 2024
CTB meeting takes place on: 16 december 2024

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