Connecting the mission and approach of the spearhead group
Development and facilitation of communication flows within the internal organisation
Shaping communication within the Connecting spearhead group with attention to underlying cooperation and collaboration with other spearheads.
Facilitating a digital VvE archive, which is accessible to persons within the internal organization (Own Cloud).
Facilitate 1 central online workspace, which the internal organization can use (Own Cloud).
Efforts will be made to increase the visibility and approachability of the board members. A smaller distance between board, active members and other members will benefit communication, connection and cooperation. This will be done by sharing more information about board members through the website, and by playing a visible role in VvE activities such as webinars, workshops, WEON and volunteer dinner.
Communicating the added value of VvE membership to current VvE members
For the long-term retention of our members, it is important that the added value of membership is clearly visible. An important tool for this will be the new website, with a restricted area only accessible to members.
Facilitate a screened website where members can easily find information that is difficult to find in other places, for example:
In collaboration with the other spearhead groups, information will be posted (and kept up to date) on e.g. important/quality epidemiological methods/articles useful for research and education.
A list of members will be created with information about each person’s expertise. This way members can find each other more easily, which promotes connection and cooperation.
The Epidemiology map as it already exists will be placed here and expanded.
The provision of mentoring/coaching will be explored.
Information about focus groups will be posted here including the opportunity to join them.
Communicatie leden
Digital newsletter/Epistel: the intention is to revive the digital newsletter. New ways of gathering copy will be considered and experimented with.
Welcome letter for new members by the chairman of the VvE. This welcome letter can also mention how the new member can possibly become an active member.
Organise a meeting for new members (getting to know each other, bonding, creating a network). This could take place, for example, during the WEON. The new members receive information about the VvE, who is who on the board and in what ways they can actively contribute to the association.
Communicating the added value of VvE membership to non-members
Providing an up-to-date website, with good information. The website will be designed in such a way that the advantages of membership are clear and inviting.
The junior epidemiologists will work with the Education spearhead group to explore opportunities to strengthen epidemiology skills within the medical education or clinical PhD programs.
Developing materials (such as presentations/webinars/MOOCs etc) on epidemiology aimed at non-members, citizens, patients. A concrete example is the elaboration of the book Papa counts sick people by Jan VandenBroucke into a presentation that can be given at schools.
Fulfilling a network function among epidemiologists by providing a platform for epidemiologists to exchange knowledge and ideas and by organising scientific meetings such as the annual conference, the WEON
The WEON & VvE working group offers support to the WEON organizations in organizing the WEON, by means of an up-to-date scenario, expertise and questionnaire.
Since 2019, an annual VvE day has been organized, which focuses on a current theme. This will be continued in the coming years.
The junior epidemiologists have set up a large network of junior epidemiologists in recent years. They will further strengthen and expand this network through various activities.
The (public) LinkedIn page of the VvE will play a larger role: the page will be kept up-to-date with news and vacancies. On LinkedIn there will be regular references to the website and the shielded website.
Realise a new set-up for the VvE Focus Groups: the current model (with fixed focus groups that can claim money for organising a meeting each year) is not working optimally: few meetings have been organised in recent years, some focus groups are ‘dormant’. In the new set-up it will be possible for members to form a (temporary) focus group each year around a current theme and to organise an activity for this purpose. A plan for this can be submitted to the VvE. After approval, the VvE can make a financial contribution to the activity. The starting point remains that an activity must, as far as possible, be cost-effective. It is important that the VvE is clearly visible during these activities.