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VvE Achievement Award 2021

The Board of the Netherlands Society of Epidemiology is pleased to award the 2021 Society Achievement Award to:

Prof.dr. Flora E. van Leeuwen width=

Professor Van Leeuwen is one of the most prominent epidemiologists in the Netherlands. She studies the long-term effects of cancer treatment and is one of the first in the world to show that radiotherapy increases the risk of secondary cancers at radiation sites.

There is no doubt that these findings had a major social impact, by influencing policy on cancer treatment and through a focus on prevention of secondary cancers. An impact strengthened by membership of several health policy boards and wide recognition within and outside the Netherlands.

The jury particularly appreciates the combination of impact and high quality in her research. The research published by Professor Van Leeuwen is of high scientific and methodological quality, carefully designed and of high epidemiological standards. She is an example for young, ambitious epidemiologists.

The VvE Achievement Award was presented on June 4, 2021 during the annual epidemiological congress the WEON, organized by the Amsterdam UMC. The selection was made by members of the congress organizing committee and the board of the Netherlands Society of Epidemiology.

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