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VvE Oral Presentation Award 2022

The Board of the Netherlands Society for Epidemiology is pleased to award the VvE Oral Presentation Award 2022 to:  width=

Marleen van Gelder

With the abstract: “Trajectories of maternal depressive symptoms during pregnancy and infant wheezing up to two years of age: a prospective cohort study“.

The jury consisting of: Dr. Alina Vrieling of Radboudumc Nijmegen, Dr. Daniel Bos of Erasmus MC Rotterdam and Dr. Mariska Leeflang of Amsterdam UMC, has decided after some discussion to award the VvE Oral Presentation Award to Marleen. Marleen clearly explained the state-of-the-art methodology she used, including trajectory analysing and inverse probablility weighting. The jury look forward to furture work, linking thes findings to cliinical asthma.

The VvE Oral Presentation Award 2022 was awarded on 10 June 2022 during the annual epidemiological conference (WEON), organized by Radboudumc Nijmegen.

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