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Call for ‘VvE Publication Award 2021’.

This award is for the best epidemiological publication by a junior researcher!

The following conditions apply to the submission of a publication:

  • the researcher is first author of the publication;
  • the article was published, in print, or accepted in the calendar year (i.e., 2020) prior to the WEON;
  • each researcher may submit only one publication (not a thesis or report);
  • the publication is written in Dutch or English;
  • the researcher has not obtained his/her doctorate more than three years ago at the time of the submission deadline. The researcher does not need to have obtained a PhD at the time of the submission deadline;
  • the researcher is a member of the Society for Epidemiology.

How to apply?

The researcher submits the publication (as pdf-file) by e-mail to the secretariat of the Society for Epidemiology ( If the article has not yet been published, the researcher shall indicate the date of acceptance for publication and the journal. The researcher also mentions the (probable) date of promotion.

Deadline for submission of publications is 12 February 2021.
For more information, see the

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