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Scientific children’s book: “Daddy counts sick people”

 width=The VvE is proud of the collaboration with prof. Jan Vandenbroucke, for the publication of his scientific children’s book: “Papa counts sick people”.

The children’s book is officially presented on May 15, 2019. The book presentation was attended by invited guests and took place at the NTvG, in Amsterdam. You can view a short impression of the book presentation via the link below:

The children’s book is written for children in group 7 and 8. It came about in a very personal way because prof. Vandenbroucke, somewhere around 1988-1989, wanted to explain to his daughters what his work entailed. Hence the title “Daddy Counts Sick People”. The book covers a wide range of topics, from calculating average lifespans and the rise of epidemics to how and why chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease have become the most important illnesses in our Western society.

The cost for the children’s book is:
For VvE members: 20 euro
For non VvE members: 22,50 euro

Would you like to order the children’s book? Send a mail to:

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