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VvE Career Symposium

On Friday 15 October, the Junior Epidemiologists working group organized the VvE Career Symposium. The aim of this annual meeting is to show young epidemiologists the scope and diversity of possible career paths outside the academy. For the first time since the COVID19 pandemic, we were able to meet physically, at a ‘sold out’ picturesque location in the Park in Rotterdam. Five speakers gave an insight into their careers and the various paths an epidemiologist can take. This varied from interesting positions at the Health Council of the Netherlands, Doctors without Borders and the Municipal Health Service (GGD) to a lectureship at the University of Applied Sciences and work as a healthcare consultant. After a short plenary ‘pitch’ by the speakers, the 45 or so attendees entered into small groups discussions with the speakers, after which the most pressing questions were discussed further in plenary and during the closing drinks. Thanks to all those present for their enthusiastic input, and to Hanne van Ballegooijen, Linda Hengeveld, Annick Lenglet, Anne Meerink and Harald Miedema for their openness and wise words!

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