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VvE Publication Award Junior Researcher 2021

The Board of the Netherlands Society of Epidemiology is pleased to award the 2021 Society Publication Award for Junior Researcher to:  width=

Daniel van der Meer

With the publication: “
Incidence, Survival, and Mortality Trends of Cancers Diagnosed in Adolescents and Young Adults (15-39 Years): A Population-Based Study in The Netherlands 1990-2016.

The jury, consisting of prof. Jos Twisk of the Amsterdam UMC, prof. Bart Kiemeney of Radboud UMC Nijmegen and prof. Marike Boezen of the UMC Groningen, considers the winning publication a fine example of ‘old school’ epidemiology with a modern methodological touch. Although it is ‘old school’ epidemiology, it is original and covers an important topic in the epidemiological field. Furthermore, the jury judged that the publication was well written, the data well analysed and the results nicely presented.

The VvE Publication Award Junior Researcher 2021 was awarded on June 4, 2021 during the annual epidemiological congress the WEON, organized by the Amsterdam UMC.

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