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Review committee

Since 2008 the VvE has had a review committee which, at the request of the study programme itself, reviews the Epidemiology study programmes in the Netherlands (and Belgium). The current visitation has two objectives. Firstly, it is a peer review, in which experiences are exchanged with the aim that programmes can learn from each other and improve the quality of the programmes. In addition, it is assessed whether the course meets the registration requirements to become an epidemiologist A or B.

Based on the assessment procedure, the assessment committee will assess the extent to which an Epidemiology study programme meets the requirements and will submit its recommendations to the Board of the VvE. The Board decides whether or not to follow the visitation committee’s advice and grant the programme accreditation.

The review committee consists of at least five members, including a chairman, a secretary and a PhD candidate. The committee members are appointed by the board of the VvE for a period of 3 years. All members of the committee are members in a personal capacity and are required to keep confidential any information they receive in the course of their duties. Members may be appointed twice.

The second round of visitations will be completed in 2019. The third round of visitations will start in mid-2022. At the end of 2021/beginning of 2022 the Review Committee will be reconstituted.

Prof. dr. M.A. Ikram
Dr. A. Venemans-Jellema
Prof. dr. J.G. van der Bom
Dr. S.H. Bots
Dr. ir. M.C. Busstra
Dr. C.J.A.W. van Gool – Vrede
N. Stens, MSc

Supervisory and Assessment Committee Epidemiology

Since 1993 it has been possible to become registered as an Epidemiologist A and Epidemiologist B (Scientific Researcher Epidemiologist) via the VvE. The Supervisory and Assessment Committee for Epidemiology (CTB Epidemiology) assesses whether the registration applications meet the registration requirements as laid down by the VvE.

The CTB Epidemiology consists of 4 members, including a chair and a secretary. CTB members are appointed by the board of the HOA for a period of 3 years. All members of the committee are members in a personal capacity and are required to keep confidential any information they receive in the course of their duties. Members may be appointed twice.

The CTB Epidemiology carefully assesses each request for registration and, if found suitable, proposes the candidate in question to the board of the VvE (Epidemiologist A) or to the board of the SMBWO (Scientific Researcher Epidemiologist). The CTB almost never definitively rejects applications, but it does regularly happen that the advice is that the current application does not meet the requirements for registration as an epidemiologist A or B. In this case the CTB will ask for an explanation or will indicate on which points an application does not yet meet the requirements. It is then up to the applicant whether to revise the application.

The CTB Epidemiology meets 4 times a year.

Yvonne van der Schouw
Noha El-Baz
Kevin Jenniskens
Mariska Leeflang
Femmie de Vegt

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