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Master of Epidemiology

Institute and place teaching programme:
Maastricht University, Maastricht
Grade to be achieved:
Duration teaching programme (number of EC):
Intensity teaching programme:
Parttime, Fulltime
Form of teaching programme:
On campus
Language teaching programme:
Average number of starters per year:
Entry level:
Applied sciences (HBO) or university bachelor's degree
Entry requirements:
Relevant applied science (HBO) or university bachelor's degree in the field of health, medical or biomedical sciences, Applied sciences (HBO): Sufficient statistical and methodological training (minimum 12 EC).
Number of EC for core courses:
Subjects of core courses:
Introduction to Epidemiology Observational Research Intervention Research in Healthcare Advanced Statistical Analysis Techniques, Clinimetrics Meta-Analysis Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology
Number of EC elective courses:
Subjects elective courses:
Applied Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases. Clinical Data Science Health economic analysis/HTA Clinical Prediction Models
Duration practical internship / thesis (EC):
Characteristics teaching programme:
As with many programs at Maastricht University, the Master's in Epidemiology is taught using Problem-Based Learning (PBL). In addition to attending lectures and training sessions, students search for solutions to 'real-life problems' in small tutorial groups of 10 to 12 students. Instructors act as facilitators and help where needed. This allows students to build independence and develop problem-solving skills that students will need in the field. This active, dynamic, and collaborative learning method has one of the highest knowledge retention rates of any instructional method. The Master of Epidemiology in Maastricht offers students a thorough foundation in the basic principles and core concepts of epidemiology. In addition, much attention is paid to professional skills in research, such as the design, implementation, statistical analysis, evaluation, and reporting of epidemiological research and the critical assessment of scientific publications and reports on public health and patient-related outcomes. Practical skills, such as programming in R, are also taught. The focus in the program is on applied epidemiological research covering a wide range of topics (including cancer, the musculoskeletal system, nutrition, clinical (prediction) research, infectious diseases, molecular epidemiological research) with ample room for interaction with experts in these fields. Students learn in an international classroom with approximately 40% of students coming from abroad. During their research placement, students can play an active role in ongoing faculty research or research at another institute (e.g. municipal health registry, cancer registry, hospital), owing to the close ties of the program with various research institutes. The placement is supervised by experienced teachers. This guidance is highly appreciated by students. Furthermore, a career event is organized within the master of Epidemiology as preparation for the job market.

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