21 maart 2024: Spring symposium for young Epidemiologist
Topic: “Real world evidence in Epidemiology: from data science to drug approval”
Real-world data is quickly becoming a cornerstone of epidemiological research. But how do we turn these data into evidence, and how is this evidence used for example by regulatory organisations? Join our spring symposium and get inspired by real-world data experts with a wide range of experience; from operationalising free text data to predicting individual treatment responses.
Date: Thursday March 21st; 14.00-17.00h
Location: David de Wied Building, Utrecht University
Costs: €10 for VVE members and €12.50 for non-VVE members
Registration: Deadline: 10th of March 2024
Registration via: secretariaat@epidemiologie.nl
We invite all junior epidemiologists (master’s students, PhD candidates, postdocs, and anyone else interested in epidemiology) to participate in this interactive spring symposium on Thursday, March 21. We will host four talks by experts on real-world data, ranging from data science to regulatory science. Participants can interact with speakers directly, both during and after the talks. The event will be held in person, providing additional opportunities for networking and drinks.
- Prof. Marco Spruit is professor of advanced data science in population health. His overarching research objective is to Welcome establish an authoritative national infrastructure for Dutch natural language processing and machine learning to facilitate and popularise self-service data science. Marco leads the Translational Data Science Lab at Leiden University: https://tdslab.nl where they connect practical problems in healthcare practices (LUMC) to fundamental challenges in data science (LIACS).
- Dr. Danial Weir his research is centred around improving the safety and effectiveness of medications for individuals living with multimorbidity across the continuum of care.
- Dr. Helga Gardarsdottir was trained as a pharmacist and a pharmacoepidemiologist. Her primary research interests include the application and development of innovative approaches to generate and analyse real world data on safety and effectiveness of medicines to inform regulatory and clinical decision making. Special research interest is on assessing impact of drug regulation on safe and effective use in populations.
The Dutch Epidemiology Society (VvE) Working Group Young Epidemiologists
- Mirte Boelens (LUMC)
- Sophie Bots (Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences)
- Thom Lysen (Pharmo)
- Ellen Olthof (Erasmus MC)
- Nina Hilkens (Radboudumc, chair)
Program – Thursday 21st of March
14:15 – 14:45 Natural language processing for enriching real world evidence from electronic health records
Prof. Marco Spruit – Leiden University Medical Center, dept of Public Health and Primary Care, and Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)
14:45 – 15:15 Personal prediction models
Dr Danial Weir – Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Utrecht University
15:15 – 15:30 Break
15:30 – 16:00 To be anounced
16:00 – 16:30 From evidence to policy
Dr. Helga Gardarsdottir – Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Utrecht University
16:30 Closing drinks
More information?
Do not hesitate to reach out to secretariaat@epidemiologie.nl