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Let’s sail through the numbers!

Within the VvE, initiative is highly valued by members. To support initiatives in the context of the VvE’s objectives, the VvE makes small subsidies available. These offer the possibility to set up a so-called Special Interest Group (SIG). We would like to bring the symposium below, organized by the Special Interest Group: Registry-based research, to your attention:

Let’s sail through the numbers! 

Navigate towards a future of registry-based research: opportunities and challenges of real-world data
Date: October 6, 2022
Time: 13.00 – 17.00
Location: UMC Utrecht

Cost: VVE members: €10 / non-members: €15

Re-using data from registries is becoming an integral component of medical research and could accelerate findings from research to practice. Registry-based studies could render real-world evidence to better inform clinical decision making and may have substantial impact on the delivery of healthcare and therapeutic management. However, registry-based research also has risks, as data is not collected for the purpose of research, which may hamper data quality and introduce bias. Also, patient privacy, ethics and regulation should be carefully considered.

These topics are discussed by experts from different fields who will present their insights on opportunities and challenges in missing data, data ethics and linkage, using registries to test interventions and machine learning (see flyer). The keynote lecture will be given by prof. dr. Rolf Groenwold.

The symposium is followed by networking drinks.

Participants are required to register online (also see QR code flyer):

For questions please contact Dr. Alicia Uijl via email (

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