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Pre conference: How to build a growth model in R

Wednesday June 8, 2022

Live at Radboudumc

Miriam Haaksma (LUMC, dept. of Public Health and Primary Care) René Melis (Radboudumc, dept. of Geriatrics)

Growth modeling is a flexible statistical method which can be used to assess changes in disease/health trajectories over time. It can also be used to study determinants of these changes. In this hands-on workshop we will provide an introduction of the basic principles of growth modeling, after which we will focus on how to build a growth model in R. We will guide you through the model building process in a step-by-step fashion using example syntax and data, so make sure to bring your own laptop! We will use two modeling approaches: the linear mixed model (LMM) and the structural equation model (SEM).

Would you like to learn more on how to implement these methods in R? Subscribe to this preconference!

Please note: the webinar of the VvE Special Interest Group for Growth Modeling from April 21st 2022 and the content of this preconference workshop will partly overlap with the content of our webinars. However, during this workshop there will be more be room for experimenting with the model building process in R, for individual guidance, and for more specific questions regarding your own research data and analysis plan.

For more information about the pre conferences, participation, costs and registration, see:

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