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Applied epidemiology of infectious diseases

Topics covered: concepts in infectious diseases epidemiology, surveillance, outbreak management, prevention of infectious diseases, role of the Public Health Service

Epidemiology of infectious diseases is a separate branch within epidemiology and requires a broad view and working in multidisciplinary teams. Using the appropriate epidemiological methods is crucial in fighting infectious diseases. Students learn which epidemiological methods work best for the various infectious diseases that society is facing and learn how to apply these methods in research, clinical practice and public health care. At the end of the course, students have a good basic understanding of the epidemiology of infectious diseases and how epidemiology can be used to prevent infectious diseases. The course is interactive, with a workshop in which students work on a case, a journal club, in which students learn to read epidemiological infectious disease articles critically, and lectures by experts in the field of infectious disease control, including a look behind the scenes of practical work of the GGD (public health service) responsible for infectious disease control.

Assessment: group work, individual paper

Instituut en plaats:
Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Inhoud - termen:
Public health, Applied epidemiology, Infectious diseases
4 weeks
Aantal EC:
On campus

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