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Methods for design of applied clinical research

The course focusses on the design of scientific research. Topics include choosing appropriate designs for a research question, different types of designs for randomized, non-randomized trials and observational studies, selecting study population and applying sampling methods, different types of biases and models for causality. In this unique course, we provide tools to optimize study design and data collection of a study, and to critically reflect on scientific publications.

Day 1: Assessing rationale, research question/PICO, target population, study population, data collection
Day 2: Designs for randomized and non-randomized clinical trials (such as two-armed trials, stepped-wedge trials, case-crossover trials, before-after designs, interrupted time series)
Day 3: Designs for observational research and sampling methods (such as case-control studies, cohort studies, case-cohort studies, nested case-control studies, exclusive sampling, inclusive sampling, density sampling)
Day 4: Validity and main and subtypes of different biases, various models for causality

This course aims at PhD students, healthcare professionals (nurses, physicians and paramedics), policy makers and all who are involved in clinical research and want to extend their knowledge about research methodology. The course consists of interactive lectures as well as individual and group assignments. In addition, you will have the opportunity to consult experienced epidemiologists and methodologists to refine the methodology of your own research.

Instituut en plaats:
Radboudumc Nijmegen
Inhoud - termen:
Methodology, Etiology, Intervention, Study design, Bias
Four days in one week - 11,12,14 and 15 November 2024
Aantal EC:
On campus

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