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VvE Achievement Award 2023

Het bestuur van de Vereniging voor Epidemiologie is verheugd de VvE Achievement Award 2023 uit te reiken aan:  width=

Professor Myriam Hunink

“Professor Dr. Myriam Hunink is professor of Clinical Epidemiology at the Erasmus MC, working across the departments of Epidemiology and Radiology. In addition, she serves as Scientific Director at the Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences (NIHES) and holds an adjunct professorship at the prestigious Harvard Chan School of Public Health. Dr. Hunink’s research focuses on integrating quantitative evidence from clinical and population-based studies with patient-centered outcomes, with the ultimate goal of enhancing decision-making for patients, caregivers, and policy makers. Her contributions to the field extend beyond traditional epidemiological approaches, as evidenced by her work in developing and applying innovative approaches, including adaptive clinical trials and novel causal inference methods in prediction research. The breadth of her work is demonstrated by her diverse range of research topics, spanning from cardiovascular disease prediction and prevention, assessment of diagnostic imaging tests and image-guided therapies, evaluation of lifestyle interventions, to addressing chronic stress and burnout prevention among healthcare professionals.

Dr. Hunink’s impact is not limited to her research achievements; she has also made significant contributions to education. Her teaching at both Erasmus MC and Harvard Chan School consistently receives high praise and evaluation scores, making her modules highly sought after. Her study book “Decision Making in Health and Medicine” is widely recognized as an essential resource in the field. Moreover, she has been at the forefront of modernizing teaching, incorporating innovative methods like blended learning and flipped classroom techniques. Her dedication to educational innovation is further exemplified by her pivotal role in reshaping the entire MSc curriculum at NIHES, where she has not only innovated her own courses but also guided and supported her colleagues in adopting similar modern teaching practices.

Beyond her remarkable academic accomplishments, Dr. Hunink is known for her warm, approachable, and positive personality by students and colleagues alike. Students view her as more than a supervisor, often describing her as a life-coach or mentor. She is especially appreciated for her attention to student welfare and helping them find an optimal work-life balance.

With an exemplary academic profile and a lasting impact on research, education, and mentorship, Dr. Hunink is undeniably deserving of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the VvE.”

De VvE Achievement Award is uitgereikt op 23 juni 2023, op het WEON congres voor Epidemiologie georganiseerd door het Erasmus MC in Rotterdam. De selectie is uitgevoerd door leden van het organisatiecomité van het congres en het bestuur van de VvE.

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